As the renewables sector matures, and wind in particular makes great strides in reducing LCoE whilst adding product and operational value, expectations intensify for us to deliver greater cost reductions
Like other industries before it, including automotive and construction, successful players at all levels in the renewables sector have to be ahead of the game in terms of providing clients with the confidence that they are managing their own cost base in a manner which is innovative, controlled and sustainable. Aventage can help ensure that your business DNA is infused with a cultural mindset which emphasises customer focused, continuous Total Cost improvement coupled with progressive value enhancement
new product target costing and design to cost management
cross functional, supplier and product cost management
multi levered (design, sourcing, manufacturing, logistics etc) cost and value drill-down
product and service full life cost management and process monitoring
serviceable offerings and EoL product management
best country (global low cost) sourcing
supply chain optimisation
supplier relationship management
green supply chain
managing client expectations and "delighting the customer"