components & parts (buy & sell)

helping you source better or helping you to sell to the wind industry

We have been involved in all aspects of renewable energy strategy development and execution, around the world, for many years and understand the buying process. We can help your sourcing department or help suppliers on how to sell to OEMs

Individual components that go into most wind turbines have complex and ever changing supply challenges. The partners bring proven examples of how to go from analysis to successful delivery, by combining innovation, implementation and access to industry decision makers. The list of components only represents a selection of components for which we have experience with. Please don’t hesitate to contact us in case you are looking for support for a component / raw material not mentioned in the list below

There are about 8000 components in a wind turbine. We have set up global supply chains for the following major components when we were buying them for the assembly of wind turbines. We understand the competitive advantages (and disadvantages) of suppliers, best cost sourcing, logistics and emerging suppliers.

blades (incl. composites and chemicals)
electrical systems

plus.....fabricated parts, steel, tower internals, flanges, hydraulics etc....

Let us help you source better components or develop your business with OEMs

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